Workplaces like stone workshops are dangerous places, for all manner of reasons… Not least crystalline silica dust. Stone industry workers face some serious long-term dangers like the inhalation of dust particles and silica exposure. These can cause respiratory problems such as asthma. And long-term health issues aren’t far behind. There’s scarring of the lungs (pulmonary […]
Many will know that I have been talking about this for some time now and that it has been a big focus of mine for the last few years, specifically hundreds of dust collectors supplied by us over the last 5 years. We are actively working on and with technology that can mitigate the exposure […]
Health & Safety – Love It Or Loathe It? Whether it’s silica dust, or lifting and handling, or any other safety concern… And whether it’s the HSE here in the UK, or OSHA on the other side of the Pond in the US, the answer to the question is likely to be the same… I […]
The famed Cosentino C100 – the king of stone industry conferences – is dead. But if you’re silently sobbing into your laptop as you read these words… Questioning what all the hard work is for now there’s no exclusive event invite to work towards… Dry your eyes. Because in 2022, Cosentino has elevated the old […]
(from this site – couple of weeks ago I spoke at an event in Florida about water recycling and dust handling. A great crowd who were generally surprised by the level of dust in the water in many shops. Whilst on site I was watching the hand polishers work and the morning […]
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